Community Governance Is The Key
Every successful web3 project as a common element which is an active user base or an active community . Web3 projects can be compared to a building. Every building needs a foundation, and a pillar to hold it's weight and also floors, stairs and a roof to become a complete building. In the analogy above community governance is the foundation and the pillar holding the weight of the project. This is why serious project developers include community moderators in thier team. Community governance is an administrative job that manages humans resources and information distribution. A community moderator creates a flow of communication from the project's developer to the community and from the community to the developers to foster a deep bond between the project and it's users. In order to keep the community engaged and not bored a community moderator as to create programmes to entertain the community without deviating the community's attention from the project's objectives and goals. This is why, If you want to create a successful web3 project you need to start taking community governance and community moderators very serious.