Job Haunting Horror Stories: Interview Edition
😱 Ever had an interview that turned into a horror story? Share your spookiest or funniest interview anecdotes for a good laugh and a reminder that we've all been there. Here's mine...
It all started when one of the largest Mexican production companies announced the 'ideal role' as a 'production assistant' for students or recent graduates of film or communication programs for a massive Hollywood action film that was going to be shot in Mexico. The studios of this company were far away from where I lived, and I braved through heavy traffic and a long line of everyone who was there for the supposed interview. It felt like a casting call, full of people and quite disorganized. Obviously, my resume was quite thin as I didn't have much experience.
When the interviewer saw me, I swear I felt like he chuckled, but he continued to ask me about myself and my past experiences. At one point, he interrupted me and said, 'Here's the reality of the role: You won't see anything related to the film production at all. It involves 8 badly paid sleepless nights, and you'll be standing on a corner 8 blocks away from the entire production. Obviously, you won't even see half a camera and your job will be to make sure no drunk or curious person enters the set. Do you want to proceed?'
I got really angry because it had nothing to do with filmmaking; it was a security job, and they had wasted my time. Of course, I play it cool, thanked him for his time, and politely declined. After leaving, I did tell a few girls with a similar background, whom I had talked to before, the harsh reality of it all, and we were all quite annoyed.
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Julieta Cura

Marketing manager

Hi Caro, I understand your situation, it has happened to me several times and even I have accessed only "for the experience" haha. 
It can be really difficult and scary to get a job being young and inexperienced. The world is full of horrible people who take advantage of that. The important thing is to grow up and not stay in those places for too long. Life knows how to reward you if you work hard to get what you want.
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Carolina Ibarrola

Social media manger

omg or the typical "Working for the love of art". Yeah, we as young people should also know or own value and not let anyone underestimate us.
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Julieta Cura

Marketing manager

Exactly! I think it takes a lot of training for that but it also depends on the teams you are in and the type of leader you are assigned to. I have learned a lot from other managers who have given me great responsibilities and made me grow professionally. You just have to know how to move away from the places that make us bad.
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