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Julieta Cura

Marketing manager

Hey, I saw that you have great expertise in your field and I would love to hear your story. πŸ’ͺπŸΌπŸ‘¨πŸ½β€πŸ’»πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ’»
You can find the challenge slogan here: https://outdefine.com/community/board/share-your-outdefine-tech-story-072575 and write a new post telling us more about your background and experience working in technology, and get rewarded for that if you get a lot of engagement, likes and comments! We are waiting for youπŸš€
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Julieta Cura

Marketing manager

100% agree. You have the mind and the skills to reach that value. You just need to focus on your career growth.

So what kind of projects are you working for right now? (or in the past)
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Kevin Chasey

Fullstack Engineer

Thanks for your reply.
I am currently developing a horse racing app.
The development environment consists of front-end React Native and back-end Laravel.
https://github.com/kstar0102 This is my Github information, so please check it out.
Is there anything I can do to help?
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Julieta Cura

Marketing manager

I'm going to give it a look but it looks great to me! I hope you can continue to evolve and grow. I can tell you like what you do, that's the most important thing!

I also invite you to keep writing content in the community to receive feedback or ask questions to other technology professionals. This interaction is very valuable and you have the chance to earn more tokens! 
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Julieta Cura

Marketing manager

Hey Kevin! You've a great profile! I'm sure that you're gonna find a job that suit with you. Just be patiente and complete your profile and assessments in order that the recruiters team can help you to find a good job.
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Kevin Chasey

Fullstack Engineer

Thank you Julieta Cura I wish you all the best in your work in the future,
Try not to become a man of success, but rather become a man of value.
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Kevin Chasey

Fullstack Engineer

A passionate senior full-stack engineer with 6+ years of experience in software engineering. 
Always love challenges and hard working to achieve goals. 
Have advanced knowledge of multiple programming languages, frameworks and extensive familiarity 
with several database structures. 
As a Team Leader for many years, I have successfully completed many tasks.
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