The best resource of Testing
A month ago I made a post about Testing resources and recommended YouTube channels and other information where you can learn for free. BUT something better happened: to recompile all the information about Testing both in Spanish and English in a Repository - Notion as possible and share it with you (and with each other). You will be able to find sections like: YouTube Twitter Slack Discord Roadmap Podcast Practice material LinkedIn Books Tools, among other stuff. There's enough material to have fun all weekend ^^. Repository: Notion: Points to keep in mind: Links like Slack or Discord have expiration date, if that happens, please advise to update it. Surely more sections like Twitch will be added. In Notion the sections are sorted alphabetically, in GitHub they are NOT. It is likely that in the future more material will be uploaded in English and/or a separate repository entirely in English. Feel free to contribute ideas or material. Thanks to everyone who contributed :)