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Photo of Abeer Faizan

Abeer Faizan

Fullstack Engineer

Toronto, ON, Canada
Focused and passionately driven Software Engineer, noted for scaling React/Redux/Node applications using popular Design Patterns including Strangler Fig, Adapter, Observer, and MVC. Enthusiastic about contributing to open-source developer tools.
Co-developer of ReacType, an open-source, prototyping tool that allows developers to build React applications using simple drag and drop mechanism, displays a visual tree of components, and features live-generated code preview, that can be exported as a React app (1600+ stars on GitHub)
ReacType Homepage: https://reactype.io

Featured speaker @SingleSprout's Tech Talk Series: “React Server Components”
Feel free to check out my projects on GitHub: https://github.com/abeer-f
ExperienceSenior-level3-5 years
Hourly rate$85/hr

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