Afaq Javed
Senior Full Stack Engineer
Afaq Javed is full stack web developer who likes to work on latest technologies and challenges.
Technical Lead
Seamless Ideas UK
- Leading an agile team for a Saas product.
- Performing a an scrum master and leading the team to one step closer to the goal at every sprint
Full Stack Developer
Binary Bitz
Software Engineer
Conure Information Technology Services
- Worked as a Sofware Engineer on IOT based projects.
Bachelor in Computer Science
My projects
Todo Full Stack Web App Using NestJS

In this project, I have created a Todo Web App in which users can sign up and create todos and mark them completed. There is also a super user who has complete control of all the other users. Technologies Used 1-Nestjs for Backend 2-React For FrontEnd
Role: Full Stack Developer
Completed: 12/2021
Live project: https://github.com/AfaqJaved/todo-app-nestjs-react
- 1
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