Dharani Neelapuram
Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India
Following👋 Hi, I’m Dharani Neelapuram 👀 I’m interested in Programming And Machine Learning 🎇GDSC-ABESIT,MSC_ABESIT 👩🦰Women Techmakers 🌱 I’m currently learning SDET(software devoloping engineering and testing) 💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on Artifical Intelligence and Machines Currently exploring new technologies and always eager to learn.Connect with me to collabrate on exciting projects. I am currently gaining my skills on Java full-stack and DBMS (along with SDET) Dedicating my time and for my Knowledge and Skills leveling
Campus Ambassador
coding Ninjas
Internship02/2024 -
- 6 months internship journey with coding ninjas
Youth Ambassador
Viral Fission
Freelancer03/2023 -
- Completing tasks given to us regarding social media promotions which includes Social Media Marketing · Social Media Communications
Internship01/2024 - 02/2024
- A member of Early Adopters community of @Hack2skill where i used to learn more and playing a crucial role in shaping the future of "Next Gen Innovation" and ensuring it caters to my needs and aspirations.
- It is a 3week cohort where we embrace our journey and learn skills and knowledge .Mainly Entrepreneurship ,and how to contribute and make our github and open source strategies level up.
Senior Human Resource Associate
Internship04/2023 - 06/2023
- Skills : Communication, Public Speaking,Microsoft Office , Social Media Marketing
Content Writer
Full time05/2023 - 05/2023
- Skills: Microsoft Excel · Microsoft Office · Microsoft PowerPoint · Social Media Marketing · Canva · Social Media Communications
Youth Ambassador
Pledge A Smile
Full time05/2023 - 05/2023
- Skills: Social Media Communications
TestingMicrosoft ExcelGithubWeb designPythonOpen source projectsJavascriptJavaData structuresProblem solving
ExperienceMid-level1-3 years
Hourly rate$100/hr
Open to
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