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Photo of Diego Salazar

Diego Salazar

Frontend Engineer

San Cristobal, Táchira, Venezuela
I have loved technology since I was a kid playing video games, being part of this world made me try programming and I think the best way to make my contribution to our industry is by building cool things.

Videogames and sports made me realize that having success alone is great, but collaborating and finding ways to reach a bigger goal is even better, these passions have driven me to be a better version of myself and taught me to be resilient on the things that I’m working on even if it’s a big challenge.

As a developer, I always put my efforts into making the best experience for the end user while maintaining the best performance possible. Users are always the focus so my mission is to make their lives easier.

I want to be part of the science and technology that makes us advance as a mankind, generating value even in small things can make a major difference.

Let’s connect and show how much technology can empower us :)



Electronic Engineering

Bachelor's DegreeClass of 2020
ReactFlutterNextJs TypeScriptSQLGraphQLNodeTailwind css Google CloudAWS
Experience3-5 years
Hourly rate$15/hr
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A free tokenized community dedicated to connecting global tech talent with remote job opportunities. Our platform is designed to help you connect, learn, and earn in the tech industry while providing the chance to collect DEF tokens. Join our vibrant community today and explore a world of possibilities for your tech career!