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Photo of Fahad Hussain

Fahad Hussain

React Developer

Lahore, Pakistan
Curiosity is my key strength and most prominent trait which I have used to learn different tools and
technologies and build something amazing using them. I can adapt to new technologies very quickly and
always try to put different ideas on the table


Web Developer

The Hexaa

Full time7/2021 - 6/2022
  1. As a Front-End Developer my job was to develop and maintain the User Interface.
  2. Optimize the user experience.
  3. Managing software workflow and Fixing bugs.
  4. Actively taking part in design decisions, client communication and lead conversions.


Comsats University

Computer science

Bachelor's DegreeClass of 2021
ReactReact NativeNodeJavascriptReact.jsGithubWeb designUX design understanding
ExperienceMid-level1-3 years
Open to

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A free tokenized community dedicated to connecting global tech talent with remote job opportunities. Our platform is designed to help you connect, learn, and earn in the tech industry while providing the chance to collect DEF tokens. Join our vibrant community today and explore a world of possibilities for your tech career!