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Photo of Fernada Palomino

Fernada Palomino

Social media manger

Mexico City, CDMX, México


Social Media Manager - LATAM


Contract8/2019 - 1/2023
  1. Global leader of Social Media in Avast and PR for LATAM For years, I have worked in the creation of innovative and creative strategies to promote the growth of loyal communities to each brand through the main social media channels, generating an impact for the company side by communication strategy and global PR campaigns. I have used social media to create deep connections with potential clients and communities through content creation, digital marketing strategies, valuable content, metrics and amplification.



Business Administration

Bachelor's DegreeClass of 2014
OptimizationSocial mediaManage social accountsSocial Media SkillsSocial Media MarketingDesign conceptsDesign processJira
ExperienceSenior-level3-5 years
Hourly rate$18/hr

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