Ghulam Farid
React Developer
Lahore, Pakistan
FollowingI am basically a react developer and also have ability to provide support to backend team. I have 3 years of experience in the field. I am Innovative, competent, capable, and accomplished software engineer with expertise in developing web application front-end components using React JS and offering support to back-end developers in NodeJS with both SQL and graphQL; proficient in writing reusable components, design libraries like Ant design and material UI, State Management libraries like Recoil and Redux and have experience with Apollo Client. I am Highly skilled in programming, creativity, teamwork, problem-solving orientation, and using JavaScript programming language; proficient and adept in providing quality solutions to complex business issues.
Full Satck Developer
Full time contract07/2022 - 07/2023
- Competently demonstrating sound technical abilities and fundamental knowledge of handling entire process of frontend using React & Angular, and backend using python and Flask as web framework.
- Handling Company’s mobile app build in React Native. Design new screens for new features.
Jr. Full stack Developer
GTek Solutions
Full time contract08/2021 - 07/2022
- Works on company’s Product. Design and developed UI designed and integrate APIs. Use Recoil as state management- library.
- Build Graph QL APIs for the web app and integrate at front end using apollo client.
- Developed client’s websites using Next JS with STRAPI CMS as content management tool on backend.
React Developer
Full time contract01/2020 - 06/2021
- Responsible for creating resueable components and also handle APIs data on frontend.
- Frontend libraries used for development like
- Meterial UI React-bootsrtap
- Ant-d NPM packages
- Redux ContextApi
- API Handling SCSS
Quaid i Azam University Islamabad
Computer Sciences
08/2016 - 04/2020Bachelor's DegreeClass of 2020
React NativeWeb designGithubJavascriptReduxSQLOOPAngularNode
ExperienceSenior-level3-5 years
Hourly rate$6/hr
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