Photo of Hamilton Kamiya

Hamilton Kamiya

iOS Engineer

São Bernardo do Campo, SP, Brasil
First off I'm not a native american eng-US fluent but I'm filling out here my OutDefine Profile with more details. Copy+Paste anything up here to level up your fluency=Copie+Cole qualquer coisa pra ganhar fluência no seu inglês.

My native language is brazilian-portugese pt-BR, I'm working out to reach up a advanced level of american eng-US + cramming for nailing the Swift Language for the most Senior iOS Engineer remote jobs.
On top of that upskilling my remote work American business vocabulary.

In a nutshell, don't worry, take care of your mental health (if you ever had one! just kidding) work-life balance and work it out reading this when it best fits your schedule at OutDefine business routine. 

I uploaded a compelling resume that triggers talent acquisitions to hit me up and send invites-email which end up for the Sign Up + automated online assessment based off OutDefine Tokens strategy.

To bridge my gap of regular marketplace jobs experience as a Sr.-Level engineer I wrote down on my resume a compelling eye-catching in hope to get things done and simplify the hiring vetting (skim profiles, ask them for sign up + code assessment). I hope the decentralized audience grab the big picture of some of mine endless single handedly putting forth effort taught myself hour and checking it out any insights that I racked up here all materials that can help me to partake within OutDefine decentralized based off Token's strategies halted in Level 2 (Willo video intro).
+1 ObjectiveC (ObjectiveCAlgorithm2.txt) **broken link
+4 Swift (SwiftAlgorithm3.txt, SwiftAlgorithm4.txt and SwiftAlgorithm5.txt)

I worry to get clumsy, glitching me out while the assessment step but anyway make sure that everything gonna be ok(?)/pan out fine(?).

Glossary for my switch-over non-native speaker mindset:
nailing=hit the right ones.In Brazil we say, "acertou em cheio, na mosca"


30h/w Stipend Interner/internshiper(?) R$1200 contractee based off Undergrads Student waged

Brazil Oil & Gas - Transpetro, a Petrobras subsidary for Conveyance by Pipeline

Part time11/2012 - 10/2013
  1. From 2012/05 to almost 2013/10
  2. Petrobras is the headquarter (Petrobras is a Oil Corp. like Shell, BP)
  3. I took over the task-force beneath hierarchy (kicksider) the Senior Engineer Mr Jorge Mariano.
  4. Mr. Jorge Mariano was in charge of the Principal Civil Engineer Mr. Aragonez.
  5. So I end up to make the most of all PowerPoint and KPIs.
  6. I hang out in person, and honestly ask(poke) for KPIs out from those slack off employes.
  7. I send it out email to ask alongside cross-function employees.
  8. I'm not going to beating you around the bush, I just took over a monthly report in order to devising plain powerpoint for 3 senior business units managers (Mr. Aragonez -1ˢᵗ Principal Mechanical Engineer, 2ᶮᵈ Deputy Pipelines Operations Manager Mr. Bortolon, 3ʳᵈ Repair Pipepline Inspections Manager Mr. Edgard).
  9. Dragging and dropping Charts from Excel spreedshets to PowerPoint. Suceess Factors or Key Performance Indicators, we had been collecting a weekly task-force hanging out in person, email and had hit them up by phone calls cross-function Mid-Level and Direct Hire engineers (in Petrobras we say concursados) from all backgrounds and hiring positions (from Junior Entry Levels to Key Account Manager we says them in pt-BR gerente setorial and coordenadores).
  10. vocab
  11. deputy manager≌gerente setorial
  12. Transpetro≌Tier Down Corp.
  13. Petrobras≌headquarter
  14. KPI≌key perf. indicator
Part-Time Gigs Undergrads Stipender Internshiper waged R$900 shoolarship(?)

Brazil Continental ContiTech 4-stroke enginee Poly-V Autoparts

Internship01/2010 - 12/2012
  1. I'm not american eng-US fluent but in a nutshell
  2. ContiTech Antriebsysteme is a Germany-based Tier-Down Supplyer for Volkswagen and Ford elastic Poly-V and timing belts.
  3. I had been a stipender in Sales and Application meanwhile I attended my brazilian Baccalaurete matriculate.
  4. Bulk of the time 60% office-task 50% on the Ford and VW's premises.Mechanical gauging stress an enginee belt MPa unit in a real proven ground.
  5. Brazilian Ford at Tatui Town (outskirts SP-City) Proving Ground - Field Services.
  6. On behalf of newcommer rookie task-force beneath my hierarchy seniors, aiding one of their 1ˢᵗ out of 5 a Junior Engineer and another 2ᶮᵈ out of 5 Senior Sales Manager in a tiny 5 employee headcount over the brazilian Key Unit Business Sales and Application Engineering Department Sao Paulo International Office headquarted in Hannover Vahrenwald Germany.
  7. I took over some of the rookie task undergrads intern such as tying up rope serial number tag in order to tracking prototypes autoparts belts carry over from Ponta Grossa Town in Parana State to takes away by slated for delivering to send out in paper brown box for Sao Paulo State Ford SBC-Town Senior Engineer Customers.
Part-Time 30h Internshiper waged R$900 Contractee based off Stipend Undergrad (capped up to 2-yr)

Brazil Denso Autoparts Manufacture-B2B Sales

Part time08/2009 - 02/2010
  1. 30h/weeks mostly for defraying College Tuition fee R$800.
  2. I took over an entry-level role within Sales Depto for brazilain local HVAC Supply Chain for Toyota and Honda.
  3. Fill out Sales Order from Brazil SP-City database to start it off the Curitiba-Town Facility japanese business model Kanban(I'm not sure, a Visual Flashcards To Do, in Progress, Done) production-based.
  4. Been in charge to all newcomers task-forces in order hierarchie sidekicker beneath Mid-Level Engineer.
  5. Mostly spreedsheats and Email plain clerical work task-forces such as check out the email inbox spreedsheat attachment out from Toyota and fill out Denso database SQL (insert, edit, delete) sales order timing-consuming tasks.
  6. In a nutshell a mash up over the Japanese-Brazilian Business acumen in a very shallow glossary background barrier (bridging the gap of native language, pt-BR eng-US jp-Hyoujungo) such as those mind-blowing Kaizen.
  7. vocab.
  8. HVAC≃climate (heat/cold)air-conditioning
  9. Kaizen≃whitepaper + best practices
  10. Kanban≌±Toyota whitepaper for best practices to avoid leftover, mostly Visual Management by Toten and FlashCards
  11. jp-Hyoujungo ≌±standard japanese (in common japanese business, japanese)
Contractee based off a Full-Time Undergrads Stipend Interner/Internshiper(?) R$1000 wages short gig

Outsourced Full-Time 40h/w Volkswagen at Price Strategy Dept

Full time04/2007 - 12/2008
  1. I was farm(ed?) me out in a outsourcing indirect hiring position as an outsourcing by MKSPEC (a brazilian SM&B business model) in order to eliciting price information car dealer retailer price database and line up, cars specs and add-in features for the Automotive Industry for brazilian Volkwagen.
  2. I took over a entry-level role hierarchierly beneath to my Senior Price Strategy Head in Brazilian Volkswagen.
  3. Mostly clerical work based off a full-time 40h/week stipend internship undergrads sophomore (2ᶮᵈ yr out of 6) engineering college in Brazil.
  4. I devise some of the most price strategy cascading the Wolfsburg Germany VP Sales.
  5. Cascading the Comoditization for a Price Index (KPI) task-force alongside Excel.xls + *.ppt
  6. Benchmarking the local price strategies task-force looked up for acumen (On-Sale Off, clearance sales, new deals) Dealer MSRP.
  7. Pinpoint car buyer audience in order to strategic devise the model line up and tier down the car specs (versions, add-in features, colors shade hue, trimms, seat fabrics) standpoint benchmarking the Automotive Industry Competitors.
  8. vocab.
  9. MSRP=Market Sugeested Retail Price
  10. SM&B=small medium business
  11. (on-sale off)≌discount,clearance, promo prices "Ofertas pt-BR"
Full-Time Undergrad Stipend Internshiper R$900 (wage schoolarship)

Brazilian Toyota (B2B) Purchases and Procurement in DirectMaterials

Full time09/2005 - 09/2006
  1. I'm a non-native american english but I put all my best foot forward over here.
  2. Kindly bear in mind for a while in order to face off any misunderstood over any some sort of written english level skills working in progress.
  3. I landed mostly in interships undergrads to defray undergrad tuition fee look after a plain clerical work get along with brazilian co-workers and put up with someone's slack off co-worker overrated self importance by the Manager id lanyard on neckband bragging in the private-in restaurant and exclusive indoor parking lot (only Managers, Principals and SVPs Lexus and Corolla).
  4. I took over a hierarchie within the Purchasing Autoparts Depart. an entry-level role beneath all my Mid-Levels Purchasers Engineers.
  5. I send out prototypes parts box closing w/ masking tapes and bubble wrap (mostly regard to Exhausting pipe) From our SBC-Town (outskirts the Central SP-City) for Japan headquarter in order to the Flex-Fuel Engineering projet design.
  6. Gathering some of the 1:1 in order to devise the PowerPoint for a Monthly HangOut indoor Keynotes presentation to all Key Account Business Sales from all Supply Chains autoparts mostly brazilian and fewer expats from Japan.
  7. Collecting all pieces of datasheets from buyers, pinpoint someone who slack off trying to delay deadlines accomplisment, just to grab a plain *.xls or some box to send out to Japan on time.
  8. In Brazil acumen car-fuel gas stations it also has ethanol as a fuel option.
  9. vocab:
  10. B2B=buz to buz (Toyota⟺Bridgestone Tires)
  11. Flex Fuel =ethanol and/or gasoline

My projects

Swift Screencast Algorithm as a non native american eng-US

portfolio show

I'm trying this way out to figure out how to showcase my 100% taught myself Swift Algorithm for the most stringent vetting Algorithm Code in order to time-saving talent acquisition audience skim candidates whose end up to send email-invite for Sign Up.

Role: 100% (single handedly) taught myself - Jobless Sr.-Level Engineer

Completed: 12/2023

Live project:!AmcKlYTatlApnzQkkq_E7e6Dy83b?e=pSjAma

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
Experience5-8 years
Hourly rate$45/hr

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