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Photo of Ivan Robles

Ivan Robles

Frontend Engineer

Guadalajara, Jal., México
Frontend developer specialized in technologies related to React, with several years of experience helping to create solid and scalable digital products and making elegant code.


Frontend Developer


Full time1/2019 - 8/2022
    Sotware Engineer

    House Call Pro

    Full time4/2022 - 8/2022
    1. Added features with React, and React Testing Library with Jest for testing.
    2. Adapted features in different parts of the project with Typescript.
    3. Helped different teams deliver Homepage, Pipeline, and Reporting features.
    Software Engineer


    Full time7/2021 - 10/2021
    1. Added features with react with context API as a state handler. I used Bootstrap and CSS for the styles.
    2. Adapted features. In another project section, I worked with ClojureScript and Reagent to use React in ClojureScript. This section was stylized with LESS.
    Software Engineer


    Full time6/2020 - 4/2021
    1. Maintaining legacy code with vanilla JS, JQuery, JQuery-UI, and elsewhere in React Oldie (class components).
    2. Added features. In style terms, I worked with Bootstrap and MaterialUI using SASS.
    3. Added features in the update to move the store to a new stack. It was a Proof of Concept. We used React with hooks, NextJS with Contentstack, and CommerceTools. The PoC was stylized with Bootstrap and SASS.
    Software Engineer


    Full time4/2019 - 10/2019
    1. Bootstrapped the configuration at the backend and connected Shopify with Node and Express.
    2. The UI was built using React, Redux, and react-router.
    3. Added some features in liquid for the store.
    Frontend Developer


    Freelancer1/2016 - 12/2018
    1. Setup and templating, HTML, Javascript and CSS at Wordpress projects.


    8/2013 - 1/2024
    Universidad de Morelia

    Interactive Media

    Bachelor's DegreeClass of 2013
    TypeScriptReactCSSHTMLJavascriptReduxWebpackTailwind css JestGithub
    Experience5-8 years
    Hourly rate$30/hr
    Open to

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