.Net Developer
Tech lover and the little things, gamer, I like spend the time with my family. I like develop beause it makes me feel that i can solve any problem.
Freelance Developer (owner)
Rechnen Tecnologías
- Backend software developer in PHP, .NET MVC, .NET Core and API Rest Services, C#, Java, Javascript, databases like SQL Server and MariaDB, management and configuration of servers Windows and Linux. Design, development, and implementation of a web application for electronic invoicing (CFDi 4.0) complying with the new fiscal requirement in Mexico over PHP technology, CSS, Bootstrap and API REST Services in C# for Linux Server.
Freelance developer
Rectificaciones Campeche S.A. de C.V.
- Migration of the desktop system for the integral control of rectifications to the web platform of the Integral Rectifications System (upgrade) over PHP technology, CSS, and Bootstrap.
Freelance developer
Profrusur S.A. de C.V.
- Analysis, development, implementation, and support of the company's Administrative and Sales System with PHP technology and SQL Server 2012 database.
Freelance developer
Basf Mexicana, S.A. de C.V.
- Phone and remote support and maintenance of the SAPYT web system for the control of repaired vehicles and workshop inventory control. Windows server configuration for database and website service publishing.
IT Assistant
Sistémica Ingeniería Mexicana, SCP.
- Applications development in ASP.NET and maintenance of websites in PHP, in charge of the SOP system in the institutions ITIFE, CEAS and State's Health Department Support the staff of the company and the institutions about the management of the system. Computers and equipment preventive and corrective maintenance.
Universidad Juarez Autonoma de Tabasco
Universidad Tecnológica de Tabasco
Information Technology
My projects
Rechnen Tecnologías

I love this project, it's an small company that provides IT services to companies like Basf Méxicana, Rectificaciones Campeche, Profrusur Frutas y Verduras.
Role: Fullstack Developer (Owner)
Completed: 1/2023
Live project: https://rechnen.com.mx/
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