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Photo of Josphat Muinde

Josphat Muinde

Fullstack Engineer

Nairobi, Kenya
I am a team player who is committed to learning, excellence, ethics and people, also an excellent
communicator with great interest in technology innovations, branding and communications for
Business and passion for community service and positive change.


Senior Software Engineer

Josmavirnia IT Solutions

Full time contract12/2019 -
  1. Shipped three enterprise systems for different clients
  2. Refactored the UI of a POS system
  3. Maintained complex code base repositories
  4. completed the development of big data training models
  5. Maintained the company's ERP system
  6. Designed database management systems for clients using MySQL and postgresql
Software engineer


Full time contract12/2018 - 12/2019
  1. Designed, developed, and shipped an enterprise database system
  2. Developed and shipped the company's ERP system
  3. Integrated MPESA mobile payment system to client networks
  4. Automated the staff training manuals through the integration of intelligent bots
  5. Maintained complex code bases in Java and Python


University of Eldoret

BSC in Computer Science

07/2014 - 10/2018Bachelor's DegreeClass of 2018
PythonDjangoFlaskMachine learningGithubJavaJavascriptSpring BootProblem-solvingHTML
Experience5-8 years
Hourly rate$15/hr
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