Senior Mobile Developer
Raffle Hunter
Contract12/2021 - 01/2023
- Started from scratch a new mobile application in React Native with Typescript, Redux, GraphQL, Firebase Push Notifications, Google Maps integration including Geocoding, Reverse Geocoding and Places API.
Blockchain and Mobile Developer
Full time06/2022 - 11/2022
- I worked on the mobile application doing UI/UX improvements and new features, implementing libraries such as web3js, ethers and layer 2 zksync, used facetec authentication, iCloud and Google Drive storage API's in order to store the users private information to access their crypto wallet.
Senior Mobile Developer
Full time02/2018 - 06/2022
- Made a Mobile Point of Sale in Xamarin iOS and Xamarin Android with more than 1500 constant users 24/7, a client side mobile application to pre-pay gas consumptions in Flutter, also implemented bank pinpad integrations from different providers to link and process payments via bluetooth or TCP/IP. Worked with Banorte implementing Cybersource payment fraud system along with Payworks with 3D Secure.
Instituto Tecnologico de Tijuana
Computer Systems Engineer
08/2014 - 06/2018Bachelor's DegreeClass of 2018
GithubReact NativeProblem solverJavascriptC#Database systemsOOP.NETFeature implementationEthereum
ExperienceSenior-level3-5 years
Hourly rate$30/hr
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