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Photo of Kehinde Agbebunmi

Kehinde Agbebunmi

Data Analyst

Lagos, Nigeria
I'm a passionate and detail-oriented data analyst eager to transform raw data into actionable insights. My journey into the world of data began with a strong interest in mathematics, a passion for providing solutions and a curiosity for uncovering patterns within complex datasets.


Data Analyst Intern


Full time contract12/2022 - 06/2023
  1. Analysed large datasets using SQL
  2. Worked on projects and tasks
  3. Presented insights to stakeholders
  4. Created visuals using Power BI


University of Lagos


08/2017 - 11/2023Bachelor's DegreeClass of 2023
Microsoft ExcelPower BIProblem-solvingCritical ThinkingSQLPythonData VisualizationData cleaningTime managementMicrosoft - Proficient
Experience1-3 years
Hourly rate$20/hr
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