Matias Christello
Software developer
Luján de Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina
FollowingWith a decade of experience as an insurance salesman and a strong passion for programming t, I am actively seeking an opportunity to transition into a role as a software engineer. Moved by my IT and programming interest, I have dedicated significant time to self-study and online courses.
Softaware Developer
Freelancer01/2021 - 12/2023
- - Designed front-end and back-end architecture for web applications. -
- - Tailwind CSS, or Bootstrap, to efficiently style and customize components. -
- - Researched and implemented new technologies to improve website performance. -
- - Implement client-side functionality: Develop interactive features and components
- using JavaScript or
- TypeScript.
- - Leverage libraries like React to enhance user experience and handle user interactions.
- - Build RESTful APIs: Design and develop APIs using Node.js and Express.js. -
- - Implement endpoints for data retrieval, modification, and deletion.
- - Ensure proper data validation and error handling. -
- - Database integration: Work with databases like MongoDB to store and retrieve data
- efficiently.
- - Implement database schemas, perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete)
- operations, and
- optimize database queries. -
- - Authentication and authorization: Implement user authentication and authorization
- mechanisms using
- frameworks like Passport.js or JSON Web Tokens (JWT).
- - Ensure secure access to protected resources. –
Software Development
12/2023 - 12/2023OtherClass of 2023
ReactNode.JSExpressJSTypeScriptGithubJavascriptRESTful APINextJs CSSTailwind css
Experience1-3 years
Hourly rate$8/hr
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