Senior Software Engineer / Web Scraping Developer
- As a Senior Software Engineer at Talentify, I’ve been working with web crawling and data scraping by creating and maintaining multiple spiders and bots to scrape data from multiple job-opening websites and APIs. Our stacks are based on Python and the Scrapy framework. We also have an architecture with Scrapyd, Kubernetes, Lens, RabbitMQ, Sentry, MySQL, and AWS. We manage our tasks and deliverables using Shortcut and SCRUM.
Full Stack Developer
Grupo SOMA
- Acting in the Logistics Squad: Solving problems related to cross-docking, working directly on the MSSQL database. Development of integration APIs and a monitoring system and monitoring of activities within the CD using NodeJS, Express, ReactJS, Redux, and GCloud.
- Acting in the Multimarcas Squad: Development of a payment solution, sending NFEs, and monitoring the calls of multi-brands participating in the Adoro Código program created during the pandemic.
- Acting as PMO of the LGPD Implementation Project: Management of the implementation project, survey of processes and activities of all areas within the group, analysis of activities in disagreement with the LGPD, survey of solutions and adjustment
Software Engineer
- I’m working on the Theme Definer migration project as a backend engineer. The goal of the project was to migrate the obsolete Node.js and React projects and codes to a new framework based on Next.js, Screentone, and MongoDB Atlas. I’m working on the Newsletter App project as a backend engineer. The goal of the project was to add new features for improving the placement and adding new types of publicity campaigns inside newsletters and emails.
Senior Software Engineer / Web Scraping Developer
All Digital
- Responsible for all data capture, structuring, and storage.
- Development of bots to capture data using Python and Selenium.
- API REST development for data availability.
- Structuring and development of storage logic and relationship of data in MYSQL Database.
- CAPTCHA breaking using external services.
- Proxy rotation with external services.
- Handling and reproduction of HTTP requests.
Application Engineer / DevOps
- DEVtec.io is a company that emerged from the experience acquired at DEV Tecnologia and aims to offer products and solutions that use the concepts of IoT. In DEVtec.io I worked with the development and testing of products to validate the operation and usage limits. I also produced reports and validated the product manuals. Subsequently, I worked on restructuring the company, helping to build a new way of delivering and selling products, from the production of the value proposition canvas to the idea of delivering solutions through services, and helped with market research. field. I also worked in software development for a temperature monitoring product for retail using IoT software. In addition, I was also responsible for the support area, which directly answered the questions, in the end, customer solutions, and top-level corrections.
Node.js API Masterclass With Express & MongoDB
React Front To Back (React 16.8+ Including Hooks, Context API, Full Stack MERN & Redux)
Federal University Of Santa Catarina
Control and Automation Engineering
Web Development with Django and Python, Data mining, Machine Learning, Git
Winner School
Advanced English
My projects
IT Logger
No image available
Personal Proejct
Role: Full Cycle Developer
Completed: 1/2022
Live project: https://gitlab.com/murilera/it-logger
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