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Photo of Nicolae Bogdan

Nicolae Bogdan

Fullstack Engineer

Sebeș, Romania
As a Software Engineer, I worked on a lot of different projects on different teams, following AGILE project management with JIRA or Trello. I also worked with GitLab or Bitbucket for CI/CD part. I had the opportunity to work with different technologies for different types of platforms, helping me to develop as a Full Stack Developer. I participated in developing process for some small Mobile apps, using Flutter. I started web developing for an E-Commerce project, using Angular with Typescript (when I used Bootstrap or MaterialUI libraries), but it was just a short project, and I continued my experience with ReactJS, where I learned to work also with Redux, NextJS. I also worked on the backend part on some projects I participated at, using Python+Flask, where I learned to work with relational databases as MySQL or PostgresSQL (using SQLAlchemy ORM), but also with non-relational databases as MongoDB (using mongoengine ORM). Even if I had the chance to work with all these technologies, my main technology I work with is ReactJS, on single page applications, using also server side rendering (SSR). I think that my experience with all these other technologies than ReactJS help me to see better how I should develop a web application (knowing what is in the other part, on backend, and maybe learning some useful lessons from all my interactions). Another (maybe) useful things about me are that I am a serious person, I love to work in a team, learning as much as I can from my colleagues, and also helping them where I can. I'm always trying to do my best and to develop myself as much as possible. If there is a possibility for foreign developers to work with your company on this role (or maybe another role) via contract, I am awaiting for your response.


Fullstack Engineer

Cicada Technologies

Full time10/2020 -
  1. Worked on different projects using Python/Flask + React stack
  2. The switch between technologies was made based on the requirements of the moment
Frontend Developer

Cicada Technologies

Full time06/2020 - 10/2020
  1. Developed e-commerce website using Angular
Mobile Application Developer

Cicada Technologies

Full time06/2019 - 06/2020
  1. Developed android apps in Flutter framework


Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

Automation and Computer Science

09/2017 - 06/2021Bachelor's DegreeClass of 2021
FastApiReact.jsFlaskPythonReduxFlutterDockerCicd Pipelines
ExperienceMid-level3-5 years
Hourly rate$50/hr
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