Paul Cordero
Full stack developer
My name is Paul and I work as a Full Stack web developer. In my experience, I have had the opportunity to specialize in the use of the MERN stack, which includes MongoDB as a non-relational database, Express.js for the creation of APIs and the backend, React for the visual part and data management between the backend and the frontend, and Node.js as the backend execution environment. I have contributed to notable projects, such as the development of e-commerce sites for Adidas and Reebok in Panama, the creation of a CRM for billing and inventory management, as well as the implementation of disbursement systems and digital services for clients and employees of the CABEI Central American Bank. Regarding the design and styling of components, I use technologies such as CSS, Sass, Less and Styled Components. In addition, I have used design methodologies such as Atomic Design, and management of design libraries such as Material UI and Bootstrap. For state management, I have worked with both Redux, Hooks and React Context, selecting the most appropriate option according to the needs of each project. An essential component in developing with React is the interaction with the Rest API. In my experience, I have used various technologies to accomplish this task, such as Axios, Fetch and Async Await, Promises. Regarding release and deployment management, I have used GitFlow combined with Azure DevOps, including continuous integration, Pull Request management and pipeline execution. I am immediately available and available for an interview at any time. I appreciate your consideration and look forward to the opportunity to contribute to your team's success.
Front End Developer
Consultia IT
- ✔️ Participation in projects: CRM Digital Services Portal, CRM Products Portal, for clients and workers of the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (BCIE).
- ✔️ Analyze client requirements and convert them into technical specifications.
- ✔️ Develop custom solutions using Javascript (React) programming languages.
- ✔️Implementation and development of Microfrontends.
- ✔️Ensure optimal operation of the solution.
- ✔️ Deploy solutions using continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) with Azure DevOps.
- ✔️ Configure Azure API Manager to manage and document APIs.
- ✔️ Analyze processes and look for improvements for systems in production.
Front End Developer
Hypernova Labs
- ✔️ Participación en proyectos: E-Commerce Adidas Panamá y Reeebok Panamá, CRM para Facturación Electrónica y control de inventarios para empresas.
- ✔️ Desarrollo de software con lenguajes de programación JavaScript (React JS).
- ✔️ Creación de soluciones para sistemas en funcionamiento.
- ✔️ Optimización en rendimiento de sistemas existentes.
- ✔️ Creación de soluciones personalizadas para satisfacer necesidades específicas.
- ✔️ Aseguramiento de un rendimiento óptimo de las soluciones.
- ✔️ Implementación en Microsoft Azure, uso de Azure App Service y Azure API Manager.
- ✔️ Despliegue de soluciones con integración continua y despliegue continuo (CI/CD) en Azure DevOps. ✔️ Uso de Swagger para documentar APIs.
- ✔️ Trabajo en equipos para aumentar la eficiencia, uso de metodologías Ágiles Scrum y Kanban.
Informatic and Systems
My projects
Ecommerce Reebok Panama

Ecommerce Reebok Panama made with: React, Bootstrap, C#.
Role: Front End Developer
Completed: 12/2021
Live project: https://www.reebok.com.pa/
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