Paul Ndambo
Backend Software Engineer
Nairobi, Kenya
FollowingAs a backend developer with three years of experience, I have built a strong technical skillset in Python, Django, Django REST Framework, Docker, Kubernetes, PostgreSQL, Redis, Celery, RabbitMQ, Git, and some experience with AWS. I specialize in building and maintaining complex web applications and services, using my expertise in Python and Django to design and implement scalable and fault-tolerant architectures. My experience working with databases, message brokers, and Git for version control allows me to efficiently design data storage and processing solutions while maintaining code quality and collaborating effectively with other developers. My familiarity with AWS provides me with a strong foundation in cloud computing, allowing me to leverage cloud-based services to build and deploy web applications. Overall, I possess a strong problem-solving mindset, analytical skills, and effective communication abilities, which enable me to deliver high-quality solutions that meet the needs of end-users.
Backend Developer
Click2Sure Holdings LTD
Full time contract02/2022 - 06/2023
- Designing, Developing, Testing, Documenting and Deploying APIs and web services.
- Onboarding clients.
- Conducting demos.
- Creating docker and kubernetes worflows.
- Setting up CI/CD workflows using Gitlab CI.
- Integrating 3rd party APIs such as Sendgrind and Payments APIs.
Cloud Backend Developer
Full time contract06/2022 - 09/2022
- Developing, Documenting, Testing and Deploying APIs.
- Creating frontend applications using ReactJs.
- Setting up CI/CD workflows using Github actions.
- Creating google cloud functions.
- Integrating 3rd party APIs.
Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology
Information Technology
08/2018 - 11/2023Bachelor's DegreeClass of 2023
PythonDjangoOOPboostrapGithubJavascriptKnowledge HTML5Database systemsSQL and NoSQL DatabaseSoftware development
Experience1-3 years
Hourly rate$20/hr
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