Petre Cosmin Vlad Bolocan
Full stack developer
Senior Full Stack Developer with 6+ years experience in Angular, C# .Net, and non-SQL Databases Mongo. I understand how every part of the web development process takes place and can guide on strategy and best practices. My involvement covers the entire lifecycle of a product, from planning, developing, and testing to deploying and maintaining the web modules. I am also a passionate game developer with a specialization in Unity game development. With several years of experience in the industry, I have honed my skills in creating engaging and exciting games that keep players coming back for more. My positivity can create a very healthy environment because by having this attitude I can influence my colleagues and give them a good vibe. Whenever a colleague asks for my help, I am there for him.
Senior Fullstack Developer/UnityDeveloper
- Main developer in Animaterra Jocul, the first mobilegame for the Animaterra World, and web developerfor client-based projects for Bico, Kaufland, andmarket agencies.
- Working as a game developer, I have taken part indeveloping Animaterra 4, Animaterra Jocul forKaufland, one of the biggest hypermarket chains ineastern Europe.
Senior Frontend Developer
- Creating UI components from scratch in Angular,that brings together code, guidelines, accessibility,design tools, and resources, based on patterns andestablished best practices and unites all the Ivantiprojects under one common visual language.
Senior Full Stack Developer
Acrelec Software SRL
- My contribution to the team has influenced theincrease in the number of devices from 4,000 toover 20,000. I’ve improved and rewrote several webmodules, which has increased the number of users.I localized the web modules to run in Japanese.These changes allowed us to double the totalnumber of devices in the coming months.
Universitatea Politehnica Bucharest
Automatic and computer science
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