Sai Pavan Kunda
Data Architect
Chicago, IL, USA
FollowingI am Sai Pavan Kunda a recent Master graduate and experienced Data Engineer and expertise in ETL pipelines, Data migration,Building Dashboards and more work related to data.Please have a look at portfolio. https://saipavankunda.netlify.app/
Data Engineer
Full time contract01/2020 - 01/2021
- • Tools and Technologies: Azure Data Factory, Azure Data lake, Databricks, Bigquery, Python, Visual Studio
- • Migrated database objects from Microsoft Synapse to Bigquery, including Stored Procedures and Views using Azure Data Factory.
- • Developed Pyspark notebooks in Databricks to ingest data from various sources and created driver notebooks to fetch GBQ environment config files when running ADF pipelines.
- • Analyzed triggers to fetch GBQ environment config and source files while running ADF pipelines, and applied transformation rules to source/target application data.
- • Built pipelines using Azure Data Factory and created transformation logic to meet business requirements.
- • Conducted end-to-end testing of applications to ensure functionality aligns with business requirements.
Data Engineer
Full time contract07/2018 - 12/2019
- • Tools and Technologies: Spark , HDFS, ETL pipeline, HIVE
- • Configured Hive database to store and manage data, optimizing
- database performance and scalability, and ensuring data consistency
- and accuracy.
- • Setup a ETL pipeline using spark to extract data from multiple
- sources and load it into hive database.
- • Developed transformation code to manipulate the data stored in
- the Hive database according to specific requirements, incorporating
- data quality and validation checks to ensure the accuracy
- and completeness of the processed data.
Hadoop Developer
Food Pine
Full time contract09/2017 - 06/2018
- • Tools and Technologies: HDFS, Hive
- • Designed and developed data pipelines using Hadoop ecosystem
- technologies to process and analyze large volumes of data from
- multiple sources, including transactional systems, log files, and
- customer feedback.
- • Developed and optimized Hive queries to transform and aggregate
- data, enabling faster and more efficient analysis of business
- performance and customer behavior
Illinois institute of technology
Computer Scinece
08/2021 - 05/2023Master's DegreeClass of 2023
PythonSQLNoSQL, HadoopAWS LambdaMicrosoft AzureGithubCommunicationData pipelineCollect data
ExperienceEntry-level3-5 years
Hourly rate$80/hr
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