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Photo of Saktidatt Pradhan

Saktidatt Pradhan

Technical Lead

Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
A Self-motivated and Results-oriented professional with interpersonal and problem-solving skills with 13+ years of hands-on experience.
Skillset Summary:
Tech Skills - Android, iOS, Flutter.
Language - Kotlin, Core Java, Dart, Python, Swift.
Management Skills - * Team management * Project Management * Team Leading.


Technical Lead

TechMahindra Ltd

Full time1/2023 - 1/1970


    C V Raman Computer Academy


    Master's DegreeClass of 2009
    Android DeveloperKotlinDartFlutterAndroid ecosystemJavaSpring BootSwiftPythonFirebase
    ExperienceSenior-level8+ years
    Hourly rate$16/hr
    Open to

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