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Photo of Sarmad Hussain

Sarmad Hussain

Software engineer

Karachi, Pakistan
I am a Computer Scientist with a comprehensive background in both individual and collaborative development, specializing in client application development. My expertise lies primarily in JavaScript and ReactJS, encompassing a strong command of front-end technologies such as HTML5, CSS3, and responsive web design principles. Additionally, I possess extensive experience in utilizing C# (.NET/.NET Core/.NET 5) for backend development, alongside proficiency in SQL Server and MsSQL databases, emphasizing effective data structuring and management. I am highly motivated to explore new front-end technologies and continuously expand my skill set to stay abreast of the latest industry trends.


Software Engineer


Full time7/2021 - 11/2023


    Bahria University

    Bachelor's of Computer Science

    Bachelor's DegreeClass of 2021
    React.jsJavascriptHTMLWeb designC#.NET- ASP.NETSQLOOPApplication design
    Experience1-3 years
    Hourly rate$30/hr
    Open to

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