Business Development
Monterrey, N.L., México
FollowingI want to develop my professional business experience by leading an international project as a LATAM Manager. I have 15-year experience in commodities trading, hedging, FOREX, negotiation, team working, and USA- MEX export logistics. Helped me develop long-term business relationships with clue customers in the whole of Mexico ́s Territory.
Full time contract10/2013 - 08/2023
- I was responsible for creating and startup the commercial division of the “Chapa Quiroga Group” named “Buzalo Grain”. Leading the Company as a recogniJed grain supplier in the States of áalisco, Guanajuato, Michoacón, Nuevo Leín, San Luis Potos6, Puebla, VeracruJ, Coahuila, and Tamaulipas.
- · I developed a strategic relationship with the US Grains Council and business relationships with producer cooperatives in the Texas Valley, managing to internationaliJe grain purchasing operations in the USA.
- · IdevelopedbusinessrelationshipsinthestatesofáaliscoandSinaloa,achievingexpansioningrain purchases to trade with our customers.
- · As head of the commercial area, I developed relationships with potential consumers, and with sector organiJations such as CONAFAB, and ANFACA. Achieving with this the consolidation of a healthy client portfolio that resulted in the growth of the volume sold from 40,000 metric tons in 2013, to q50,000 metric tons in 2021. Strategic alliances development with suppliers, clue customers, and other companies at Chapa Q Group that move the company to be the biggest regional —nancial party in the agriculture market in Tamaulipas
- · I developed transportation, fumigation, and grain storage providers within Mexico, in the Texas Valley, and cross-border operations. Achieving alliances and commercial strategies that allowed the company to ensure éuality and compliance with schedules and rhythms of sales delivery to customers.
- · I created and developed work teams for attention and monitoring logistics, customer service, and internal coordination with the administrative areas of the company.
- · I was responsible for the de—nition and following up of strategies to accomplish volume sales budgets and pro—ts of the company.
08/1999 - 12/2004Bachelor's DegreeClass of 2004
Business knowledgeNegotiationSales ExperienceCommunicationCustomer ServiceProject management
ExperienceSenior-level8+ years
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