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Photo of Mohsin  Nayyer

Mohsin Nayyer

Social media manger

Islamabad, Pakistan
With 4 years of industry expertise, Mohsin is a seasoned professional who knows the ins and outs of social media like no other. πŸ“²πŸ”₯ Armed with a proven track record of delivering exceptional results, I have successfully crafted and executed strategic campaigns across various platforms, driving engagement, increasing brand awareness, and boosting conversions. πŸ’ΌπŸ’₯ Passionate about staying ahead of trends, Mohsin thrives on creating innovative content that captivates
Social Media MarketingManage social accountsContent strategyMeta AdsMarketing strategyWriting contentStatistical AnalysisMarketingTeamwork
ExperienceSenior-level3-5 years
Hourly rate$20/hr
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A free tokenized community dedicated to connecting global tech talent with remote job opportunities. Our platform is designed to help you connect, learn, and earn in the tech industry while providing the chance to collect DEF tokens. Join our vibrant community today and explore a world of possibilities for your tech career!