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Photo of Robert Jhon

Robert Jhon

Fullstack Engineer

Kansas City, MO, USA


React developer


Full time contract12/2021 - 1/1970
  1. Developed a responsive website for a major e-commerce company that increased user engagement by 15%
  2. Implemented an automated testing framework that improved code coverage to 10% and reduced production issues by 10%
  3. Optimized web page loading times by 15%, improving user experience and engagement
  4. Developed an e-commerce platform that integrated with payment gateways and enabled customers to purchase products online
React Developer

Tech Mahindra

Freelancer1/2021 - 11/2021
  1. Implemented authentication and authorization using JWT tokens
  2. Implemented a responsive design that allowed the application to be used across multiple devices with minimal modifications
  3. Wrote unit tests for components and services to ensure code stability and reduce bugs.
  4. Employed modern JavaScript features such as async/await and Promises to write code in an asynchronous manner
  5. Developed a single-page web application using React, Redux, and TypeScript that enabled users to access the company’s resources with ease.


University of Toronto

Master of Science (MS) in Computer Science

Associate DegreeClass of 2021

My projects


portfolio show

develop frontend with react

Role: frontend

Completed: 7/2022

Live project: https://crm.foxconnect.app/sign-in

  1. 1
ReactWeb designHTMLJavaScriptKnowledge HTML5CSS
ExperienceMid-level1-3 years
Hourly rate$30/hr
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A free tokenized community dedicated to connecting global tech talent with remote job opportunities. Our platform is designed to help you connect, learn, and earn in the tech industry while providing the chance to collect DEF tokens. Join our vibrant community today and explore a world of possibilities for your tech career!