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Photo of Yuvarajavenkatesh Perumal

Yuvarajavenkatesh Perumal

Technical Lead

Berlin, Germany
I am a quality-oriented professional who has been consistently praised as efficient by my co-workers and management. Over the course of my 14+ years career, I’ve developed a skill set directly relevant to the Software Developer role using Delphi, Dot net technologies, and SSRS. Overall, I have consistently demonstrated analytical, technical, and research abilities in every aspect of my Software Developer role in my current and previous companies.


Techinical Lead

Trianz holdings pvt ltd

Full time2/2024 - 2/2024


    Mahandra Engineering college

    Information technology

    Bachelor's DegreeClass of 2008
    C#Software developmentASP.NetSSRSETLJavascriptSQL ServerPython
    Experience8+ years
    Hourly rate$35/hr
    Open to

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